Fill in the color you use to fill in a shape or area, while stroke is the width and thickness of the line that makes up the fill.

The stroke tool is located in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

There are many ways to stroke a stroke in Photoshop, but the most common way is to use the Brush tool. You can also use the Pen tool, the Eraser tool, or a combination of these tools.

A stroke line is a line that is created when a pen or pencil is moved across the paper.

Stroke is the creation of new lines on a canvas or paper. Fill is the filling in of existing lines with paint.

Stroke is a term used in photography to describe the deliberate placement of an image on a photographic medium.

There is no one answer to this question as strokes can be made in a variety of ways. Some common techniques include:-Finger tap: One finger is tapped against the other three fingers in quick succession.-Thumb swipe: The thumb is swiped quickly across all five fingers.-Double-tap: Two fingers are tapped together.-Wrist flick: The wrist is quickly flicked forward or backward.

To add a stroke in Photoshop Elements, open the Stroke panel by selecting Window > Stroke. To create a simple line, click the Line button and select a width and color. To create a more complex stroke, first, define the path using the Pen tool. Then use the Stroke panel to add details like feathering and shadows.

There are a few ways to do two strokes in Photoshop. One way is to use the Brush tool and create a new brush with the settings shown below. Then, paint two strokes in the same direction, as shown in the image below.

To put a stroke on text in Photoshop, you first need to create the path. To do this, click on the Paths panel and select Stroke. Then, enter the desired stroke width and color.

The stroke is black.

Stroke Illustrator is a vector graphic editor that lets you create stunning illustrations and graphics with ease. With its powerful tools and easy-to-use interface, you’ll be able to create beautiful designs quickly and easily.

There is no definitive path or track for the stroke. The stroke depends on a variety of factors, including the player’s technique and how the ball is hit.

Stroke height is the distance between the top of the strike and the bottom of the ball.

In CSS, a stroke is a line that is drawn around an object.