Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, in short, the ASVAB test is a multi-aptitude test with a time limit that will measure your competence in areas such as science, math, and language. ASVAB test is made by Defense Department and it not only assesses your strength and abilities but also makes sure which service branch you would excel in.

The Content of the ASVAB test

There are two different versions of taking the ASVAB test. You can either solve the test using the paper version or you can solve the test by using a computer. Naturally, the content of the ASVAB test is different in each option. The time and the number of questions are the only differences between the paper version and the computer version. When we get to the content of the ASVAB test, the ten subtests that you need to solve are General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Mathematics Knowledge, Electronics Information, Auto & Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, and Assembling Objects.

ASVAB Scores According to Services

According to your score, you can enlist in four different services; Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. While the highest score that one can get from the ASVAB test is 99, you need to score at the very least 31 to enlist in the Army. Even though there are some cases where 26 is accepted to be enlisted in the Navy, you also need to get at least 31 to be enlisted in the Navy. The minimum scores increase when we look at the Marine Corps. You need to get at least 35 to be enlisted in Marine Corps. In the case of Air Force enlistment, there is a wide gap between the two cases of minimum scores. If you are a GED holder, you need to have at least 50 and if you are a high school graduate or senior, you need to get at least 31 to enlist in Air Force.

The Process of Preparation for the ASVAB

The best way to study for any test is to solve sample questions. But before you solve any sample questions, you need to have enough knowledge about the topic as well. Thus, before you enter the ASVAB test, you need to make sure that you are confident in the domains of Science, English, and Mathematics. You might want to take the burden of preparing for all types of questions or you can try to focus on the area you want to build your career. In the latter case, it might be beneficial for you to take special courses focused on your particular area.


All things considered, ASVAB is a test that can open the doors of a military career to you. You need to be at least a senior or a junior in order to take the test and start your military career. Even though you still have questions about what to do in your future, you can take the ASVAB test and think about it for two years since your ASVAB score will remain valid for two years.

Do I need to pay a fee for taking the ASVAB test?

U.S. Military doesn’t take any fees from anyone who wants to take the ASVAB test. Although, if you want to enroll in courses while you are preparing for the ASVAB test, you may pay a certain fee for that.

How many questions is ASVAB consist of in total?

While there are 225 questions in the paper version of ASVAB, there are 145 questions you have to solve if you wish to solve the ASVAB test with a computer. You will have 149 minutes to finish the 225 questions in the paper version and you will have 154 minutes to finish 145 questions in the computer version. These numbers show the total and you will have different amounts of time in each section.

What are the age requirements for taking the ASVAB test?

ASVAB accepts candidates from age 17 to 35. While those below 18 years of age are accepted to take the test, they need to have the signed consent of their parents when they are enlisting. You can also take the ASVAB test when you are in your sophomore year in high school but you will not be able to join the military, naturally.