The service is not only beneficial for consumers but businesses as well. It offers a range of features and services that help small and medium-sized businesses increase their online sales
The Prime program allows small businesses to reach out to a much wider audience and engage with them in a one-to-one manner. This platform is all about customer experience, and the benefits are more than worth it for small business owners.
It’s safeIt’s reliableIt can help you expand your customer base.
1) Prime members buy more items on average than non-prime members ($1300 vs $1200 per year).
- Prime members spend an average of $22 more per order than non-prime members and that number is only increasing.
The main function of this program is to provide potential buyers with extra information about the product they are interested in, such as photos, specifications or customer reviews.
In the US, Prime membership is $99 a year or $10.99 per month. In the UK, it costs £79 per year or £6.49 per month. For an additional fee, you can pay to upgrade to one-day free shipping and access streaming video and music services. If you’re not already a Prime member, sign up for a 30-day free trial first before committing to anything longer term.
If you would like more information about how to get started with this program, feel free to contact us today!