Although it changes game to game and region to region, the average ping that is considered to be a good should be below 100 ms. If the gamer’s internet connection is exceptional, it is possible to get it of 20 ms and below which is considered to be a low ping. A more terrifying number of it is 150 ms and higher which is regarded as high and limits the game experience of the player.

Reasons For the High Ping

The most significant cause for a player to get a high ping in the game is the quality of the internet service provider. When one picks their internet service provider, they should be careful about choosing which kind of speed they will be offered from the provider. The most important thing to look at while choosing an internet service provider is their upload speed. The gamers shouldn’t be fooled by the high download speed with which the internet service provider will try to grasp the customer’s attention. Once again, the customer should make sure that the upload speed is as high as the download speed that the internet service provider offers. If the customer is sure that their internet has no problem in providing speed, they can change the router to a wired router since it will provide a higher speed than a wireless router. The model of the router is also another factor that affects the speed of the internet so the customer should make sure that their router is of high quality.

How to Get a Low Ping

If the gamer is sure that their internet service provider is not the problem, they can take the following actions to lower their high pings. When the gamer is playing an online game where they have the option of choosing a server, they might get a better ping if they choose a server that is closer to their region. Another way to get a lower one is to turn off the waiting updates. There might be some updates that can begin when the player begins the game and won’t notice while playing the game. Thus, the player should close the updates or postpone them for a later time so that it won’t bother the player by creating high. Probably one of the most annoying sources of a high ping is the existence of background applications. There might be some applications that use the internet while processing silently in the back. The player should close all of the background applications before starting the game so they won’t get high.

Websites that Measure Ping

Once the gamer takes all the precautions before opening the game, they might want to measure their ping to be sure one last time and have a game session without any disturbance. One of the websites that measure ping is This particular website measures the download speed, the upload speed, and the latency which is another name for ping. One can choose to get a more accurate but slow test or a fast and less accurate test from this website. A more convenient website is which provides the gamer with their estimated ping on each online game they wish to play.

In a nutshell, the term ping has gained a terrifying quality due to the players who had a bad experience in online games because of their high pings. While having a 20ms in a game is every gamer’s dream, the dream turns into a nightmare as it reaches levels of more than 100ms. A good ping is not a certainty as there are different games where a different number of ping can be shown with the same internet. Nevertheless, every game is a good game if it is below 100ms.

Is a ping more than 100ms playable?

While it can change according to the game that the player chooses, a ping of more than 100ms is considered to be a poor quality and will cause the player to lag.

What is the limit for being able to play with high ping?

If it reaches up to 300ms, the player won’t be able to do anything in the game.