To solve this, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed the option of high-speed internet because, in the last few years, residential internet speeds have increased surprisingly. Therefore, it is suggested that an ideal speed of a household is 100-200mbps and for an individual 25mbps is more than enough. Though it’s true, the decision of internet speed depends upon the individual what he needs and how he is going to use it but in general, internet must be 25mbps for a person

How to identify a good internet speed?

 An internet speed is considered good in the range of 100-150mbps; it is faster than the standard speed of a broadband connection. One can enjoy Netflix, online gaming, streaming in 4k, and downloading HD movies. All these factors are the identification of a good internet.

How do you measure internet speed?

Two factors illustrate the measurement of internet speed.


Bandwidth: it is an internet measurement of wired or wireless data that can transmit from your internet at a given time. It checks the capacity of internet speed and how fast it transmits the files at a time in kilobits, megabits, or gigabits per second. More bandwidth means more data can be transferred at a time.

Latency: it is also called Ping. People usually don’t consider it important when buying any internet package but it is equally important to bandwidth to make the internet more efficient and high speed.  It measures the time of data traveling from one point to another on a network. It checks the speed of data is consuming to reach another network because of how fast the information is transferred, you will get a response that fast from the internet. It is usually measured in milliseconds (ms).

 The internet needs high bandwidth and low latency to work with efficient speed, in short, a lot of information can be transferred or downloaded at a time.

How to identify a good download speed?

A good download speed illustrates the speed of the information, which travels from one device to another point. Whenever you open any website, Netflix, or any site, it comes from some router or company, how fast you get that information shows the speed. Plus how easy and fast you are downloading the files, also the quality of speed. When you talk about good download speed, it means more bandwidth because it increases the speed of the internet and downloading files on the device. When companies talk about their high-speed internet, they usually refer to this speed of internet via using bandwidth.

How to identify a good upload speed?

We usually use this speed to post or upload any video on the internet. We don’t think about upload speed when we purchase an internet package. We mostly think about the downloading speed but both are quite equally important. Upload speed usually measures the time in which information reaches another destination on the internet.  We do a lot of searches on Google; it measures the time of information and how fast we receive that required data. In our daily life, we use this upload speed all the time. We do upload a lot of data like audio, videos, or other files on a different platform but we don’t focus on it. We only think that download speed is only crucial for us.

What are the Download speed requirements? 

There are some internet speeds for various activities of our daily life. As we require:

1-5 Mbps for collecting email and browsing on the internet. 5-25 Mbps for streaming HD videos or other content. 40-100 Mbps for playing online games and 4k videos.  200 Mbps data for downloading heavy files, playing online games, and streaming 4k videos.


In The last few years, network speed was not an issue but as the pandemic hit upon the world, people were stuck in their homes and everything became digitized through it. That’s why the internet has become the center of our lives. Before purchasing any high-speed internet package, measure how much your device requires the maximum speed because just paying for the faster connection would be completely useless. Choose that connection that is required to use the device or which would be useful for you and try to avoid paying the extra bandwidths which are not required.