Facebook does not delete fake Facebook accounts. If you have reported a fake account, it will be reviewed by Facebook and they may remove the account depending on the type of violation.

There is no set number of reports that can close a fake account on Facebook. The more reports, the better chance it will be closed.

Yes, you can go to jail for making a fake Facebook account.

It can take up to 15 days for Facebook to delete a fake account.

If you’re able to log in to your account, go to the “Security” tab on the left-hand side of the page. Scroll down to “Two-Factor Verification.” Click on “Edit” check the box for “Log in Approvals” and click “Save Changes.” This will require Facebook to send a code via SMS, which will be required every time you log in.

There is no limit on the number of reports that an account can receive before it is deleted.

You can find out who reported you on Facebook by going to the “Security and Login” section in your account settings. You will see a list of recent logins that you have made, and if someone has reported you, they will be listed here.

When you report someone on Facebook, it can be for a number of different reasons. One reason might be that the person is spamming your wall with messages, another might be that they are posting inappropriate content or anything else that violates the Facebook Terms of Service. When you report someone, you are able to give more information about what type of violation is occurring and why you are reporting them.

The best way to report a fake account on Facebook is to use the Report link that is found at the top of any post or comment. You can also report fake accounts by using the “Report” button that is located in the upper right corner of any photo, video, or post.

It is not illegal to pretend to be someone else online. You can have the same name on multiple social media platforms, but you cannot pretend to be someone else.

You can’t delete a Facebook account without a password. However, you can deactivate an account by going to Settings and clicking on Security, and then clicking on Deactivate your account.